Back On The Path

Allowing Your Heart (and Not Your Head) To Be The Cornerstone of Your Creative Journey

Back On The Path creates a safe place for you to start to examine all the reasons why you fell off the creative path and will give you some tools and examples of other people just like you.

You will learn to:

  • Do a scan of your life to see where your creativity started and the influencers in your life
  • Figure out the when/where/ how you came to the decision to stop your creative life
  • Figure out what this has cost you throughout your life
  • Provide analysis of all the possible fears that rise up
  • Give examples of how to jump back into the pool now that you’ve decided to be creative again

About the Author

My name is Penny Knapp and I was born in Oshawa Ontario Canada. I have been a Registered Dental Hygienist for almost 40 years. I am also a CZT, Certified Zentangle Teacher. When not actively creating I enjoy spending time with my cat, Pooper at the cottage and photographing nature.

Back On The Path

Allowing Your Heart (and Not Your Head) To Be The Cornerstone of Your Creative Journey

Chapter 1: Those the Can Do Teach

Why I am doing this

Chapter 2: In The Beginning

My beginning in creativity

Chapter 3: Creativity and the Nay Sayers

For those people who think they are not creative

Chapter 4: Where Does it Start?

From when we are born our creativity starts

Chapter 5: Little Doubts Creep In

What things start to happen and when that makes doubt set in

Chapter 6: Falling Off The Path

Exactly when did I fall off the path?

Chapter 7: Fear…You Are or Your Are Not What You Think You Are

All the fears you could think offend why they are all just blocks

Chapter 8: Listening To That Inner Little Voice

Start listening to your inner voice

Chapter 9: I’m Not The Only One

Some stories from other people just like you

Chapter 10: Back On The Path Again

How I started back

Chapter 11: Future Visions

Possible ways you can start

Back On The Path

Allowing Your Heart (and Not Your Head) To Be The Cornerstone of Your Creative Journey

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